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Pix By The Numbers: September 2022 Update

21 of November of 2022

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Pix is the instant payments scheme developed, managed and operated by the Central Bank of Brazil. It launched in November 2020 to instant success.

Growth in Transactions

The total number of Pix transactions continues to climb. There are now over 2.3 Billion Pix instant payments transactions per month.

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Nearly 20% of the instant payment transactions per month are initiated via QR code.


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Transactions By Type

Business-related transactions continue to drive the growth in Pix. 32% of Pix transactions are business-related, including P2B (e.g. consumers paying businesses), B2P (e.g. businesses paying consumers) and B2B (e.g. businesses paying businesses).

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These business-related transactions are being driven by P2B. Today 22% of Pix transactions are P2B compared to 6% when Pix launched 2 years ago. Merchants love Pix. It’s much cheaper for them than other forms of payment. And, they get their money instantly.


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The average value in September of 2022 of a P2B is $40 versus to $168 per transaction for B2P and $1,144 per transaction for B2B.

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Pix Users

Over 128 million consumers and 11 million businesses use Pix.

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Transactions By Age

82% of Pix Transactions are by consumers aged 20 - 49.

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Aliases in the Pix Directory

Pix adoption was driven in part due to the directory managed by the Central Bank of Brazil. The directory contains the alias that consumers and businesses associate with their financial accounts. There are 4 types of aliases – mobile phone, email, tax id (companies)/SSN (consumers) or randomly generated number. Consumers can have up to 5 aliases per account; businesses up to 20 aliases per account.

There are nearly 511M aliases across 348M accounts.

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For more information about Pix, check out The Pix Story.